#Repost @eraserhood_blog (@get_repost)
#Repost @janeswalkphl (@get_repost)
SAT. MAY 4, 7PM: Go on a #photowalk with @bobbruhin around @eraserhood at dusk! Walk meets @therailpark entrance at Broad/Noble.
Why a photowalk? Bob explains: “My first reaction to the #Callowhill district was to take out my phone and start taking pictures. Eventually this became the focus of my first book, ‘Walking the Eraserhood,’ a photo essay exploring Callowhill between 2009 and 2014 and discussing the influence the neighborhood had on the work of painter/filmmaker David Lynch. This year I would like us to celebrate together by photographing The Rail Park and surrounding neighborhood during the period photographers call The Golden Hour, and sharing our resulting images via social media. Of course, as a Jane’s Walk, open discussion will be strongly encouraged, while we explore and document. Hopefully we can all learn together!!” 📷
30+ Free walks May 3-5• All are welcome • Rain or Shine. #janeswalkphl
#wewalkphl #walkphilly #thingstodoinphilly #whyilovephilly #phillyhistory #industrialhistory #callowhillhistoricdistrict #callowhill #eraserhood (at Callowhill, Philadelphia)