Underpinnings of Wicca Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
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Underpinnings of Wicca Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
Tenders of the Earth Temple is pleased to announce an new series of Underpinnings of Wicca Classes.Classes will be held every two weeks starting January 4, 2020 from 1 pm until 3 pm.
- ¼/20 History of Wicca
- 1/18/20 Wheel of the year
- 2/1/20 Brigid talk and Ritual
- 2/15/20 Elements/Tools
- 2/29/20 Creating Sacred Space
- 3/14/20 How to write a Ritual – and write the Ostar ritual
- 3/28/20 Ostara Ritual
- 4/11/20 No Class We’ll be at Between The Worlds – Sacred Space 2020
- 4/25/20 Ethics and Karma
- 5/2/20 Beltane Ritual
Tickets: Underpinnings of Wicca Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite