Philadelphia Pirate Party | Facebook
Philadelphia Pirate Party | Facebook

To the disenfranchised people of the City of Philadelphia:
We know you’re angry and afraid right now. We know you’re worried about the future of not just Philadelphia, but of this country. We know that you are now worried about the racist and hateful graffiti that has come out across our great city in the wake of this election.
We founded the Philadelphia Pirate Party before Trump was elected because we were sick and tired of how things work in Philadelphia. There was no party that seemed to be focused on what the problems are in Philadelphia.
The Democrats seem focused on holding onto their power by using a political machine that has produced multiple criminals over the years like Chaka Fattah. The Republicans have pushed bills banning funding Sanctuary Cities like Philadelphia and bills to keep the name of officers involved in shootings private reducing transparency. The Greens are too focused on national issues to be effective and the Libertarian Party is too selfish.
This party is unlike all of those.
The Philadelphia Pirate Party is focused on transparency, progressive values, and local issues. We believe in things like a living wage, criminal justice reform, early voting, housing for the homeless, and more, much more!
It starts with lower offices, offices you never think about: The Board of Elections. We plan on getting as many seats as possible on Election Boards across Philadelphia to ensure we have free and fair elections and to ensure there is accountability for them. From there we have our eyes on stuff like the State House, the State Senate.
Philadelphia is a great city, but after last night we’ve seen that the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania needs to make the same progress Philadelphia has. We need to realize that the rest of this great state feel left behind from what’s happening the same way we have from things like gentrification in this city. We want progress, not just for us, but for everyone!
We know you’re angry, and you want to protest. But now, more than ever, is when we must come together and work hard to build the world we want! It may just be Philadelphia right now, but it starts here! Lets start now, working together, to make it what we want!
If you’re interested in running for office, let us know in the comments! ANYONE can run if they’re 18, and ANYONE can change the world into what they want!