Stories for the Future: workshop and ritual with Starhawk and BrightFlame | Facebook
Stories for the Future: workshop and ritual with Starhawk and BrightFlame | Facebook
Stories shape our imagination and our ideas of the
possible. How can we use the power of story to help us envision a
positive future, and inspire people to want to work towards it? Stir in
a little magic–the art of shaping and shifting consciousness, of
connecting with the deep creative energies of nature, bending time and
opening awareness. We’ll explore our ancestral and personal stories,
and the day will culminate in a powerful ritual of collective myth
Starhawk’s books, including her latest City of Refuge, will be available for sale and she will be happy to sign them.
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Tenders of the Earth Temple: “We are stewards of the temple of the
earth around us, creating and healing the sacred temples where we live.
We are committed to tending our individual inner temples that reside in
our own hearts.”
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SpiralHeart: “We are a community within the Reclaiming tradition of
earth-based spirituality, offering a week-long annual Witchcamp and
other workshops.”
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