ANALSYIS: How new Eastern Tower Community Center can be a modern symbol of immigration in Philly
ANALSYIS: How new Eastern Tower Community Center can be a modern symbol of immigration in Philly
There’s no question about it, these days there are a lot of hot ‘hoods in Philly’s residential real estate market. And over the past decade, none have been hotter or healthier than Center City’s Chinatown. According to the 2010 Census results, the area more than doubled in population and added almost 1,000 market rate housing units. And now, Chinatown is about to get vertical with its growth spurt as the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC) plans to build the 23-story Eastern Tower Community Center.
The Center, to be located in the northern reaches of Chinatown at 10th and Vine Streets, is an urban planner’s dream. The building defines the meaning of mixed-use: retail and recreational space will be utilized on the first two floors, a two-story flexible community center, office space, a possible charter school, and 144 affordable housing units on floors six and up. To top it off, the tower will include a green roof, dwelling units will have operable windows, and silver LEED certification will be sought. Zoning is good to go, approvals have been met, and the PCDC plans to start construction early next year.