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Panorama 1886_hdr_pregamma_1_fattal_alpha_1_beta_0.9_saturation_1_noiseredux_0_fftsolver_1 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
The Woodlands
4000 Woodland Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
Copyright © 2012, Bob Bruhin. All rights reserved.
Luminance HDR 2.3.0 tonemapping parameters:
Operator: Fattal
Alpha: 1
Beta: 0.9
Color Saturation: 1 
Noise Reduction: 0 
PreGamma: 1

Bob Bruhin

Bob Bruhin is a web developer, tour guide, art photographer, author, blogger, and graphic designer. His love of urban landscapes, especially in post-industrial Philadelphia, PA, leads him to document some of the darker corners of his city.


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