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Philadelphia Photo League visits the Trenton Avenue Arts Festival on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Free and open to the public, the Trenton Avenue Arts Festival celebrates East Kensington’s incredible mix of local artists, musicians and eateries. Organized by the dedicated volunteers of the East Kensington Neighbors Association and featuring over 200 local arts and food vendors, TAAF attracts 10k+ attendees to raise funds for neighborhood projects and revitalization. The festival is held on Trenton Avenue, a wide cobblestone street that has been part of Kensington’s rich creative history for over a hundred years. By hosting the Trenton Avenue Arts Festival, EKNA continues that tradition.

Luminance HDR 2.3.0 tonemapping parameters:
Operator: Reinhard02
Key: 0.18
Phi: 1
PreGamma: 1

Bob Bruhin

Bob Bruhin is a web developer, tour guide, art photographer, author, blogger, and graphic designer. His love of urban landscapes, especially in post-industrial Philadelphia, PA, leads him to document some of the darker corners of his city.


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