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A letter to the editor from a 14-year-old homeschooled teen named Jasmin was recently published in Canterbury, New Zealand’s Northern Outlook, garnering stunned silence from most and lengthy rebuttals from others. The subject of the letter was homosexuality in general and the legalization of same-sex marriage in particular.

Jasmin applies her homespun knowledge of evolution — which she later admits is something she doesn’t “believe” in — to the eventuality of marriage equality, asserting that such a development “could threaten the human position on the evolutionary ladder, and say, ducks could take over the world.”

That’s right: Ducks.

(via Homosexuality Will Lead to Enslavement of Humanity by Ducks Warns Homeschooled Teen)

Bob Bruhin

Bob Bruhin is a web developer, tour guide, art photographer, author, blogger, and graphic designer. His love of urban landscapes, especially in post-industrial Philadelphia, PA, leads him to document some of the darker corners of his city.


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