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Koch Brothers launch $6.1 million attack ad against Obama, Obama campaign responds

The Koch Brothers group Americans for Prosperity has launched a $6.1 million ad attacking President Obama. You can tell they are prosperous when they spend over $6 million on one ad. In fact, this is now the second time Americans for Prosperity has spent around $6 million on an attack ad against the president.

I won’t link the odious ad but you can watch it HERE if you must.

Obama for America (OFA), the Obama reelection campaign, has responded quickly and, to my mind, very effectively. This response video is pretty unusual. It features OFA deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter talking plainly and simply about the lies in the ad. The ad is so blatantly false, she says, “the Washington Post said the “erroneous’ attacks were made ‘without shame’.

And, yes, Stephanie Cutter uses the phrase “BS”. Hallelujah!

I’m thrilled to see the Obama campaign responding as quickly and directly to these hideous lie as they are. It’s a big departure from previous campaigns and helps to avoid the “swiftboating” that took out John Kerry in 2004.

Bob Bruhin

Bob Bruhin is a web developer, tour guide, art photographer, author, blogger, and graphic designer. His love of urban landscapes, especially in post-industrial Philadelphia, PA, leads him to document some of the darker corners of his city.


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